Books and Literature
Latinx Community College Students and the (In)Opportunities Brought by COVID-19 Pandemic
By Claudia García-Louis, Monica Hernandez & Mona Aldana-Ramirez
The disruption to higher education institutions across the United States created by COVID-19 affected more than 20 million college students. States cancelled in-person classes and campus activities quickly shifted to remote and virtual learning. The pandemic, along with its economic impact, altered education for community college students, creating a traumatic event that exasperated mental health conditions. In addition, job loss increased food insecurities drastically during COVID-19 and students across the country turned to their colleges for wraparound services. In this proposal, the authors review the impact of COVID-19 on marginalized college students, specifically Latinx students in a South Texas college. The findings revealed that Latinx students navigated virtual learning differently and were impacted by their access to technology, as well as their access to mental health services and food pantries.
Claudia García-Louis, Monica Hernandez & Mona Aldana-Ramirez (2022): Latinx Community College Students and the (In)Opportunities Brought by COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Latinos and Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348431.2022.2039152
Latinx Community College Students and the (In)Opportunities Brought by COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-igital DivideFirst-Generation Students’ Experiences During the COVID-19 PandemicConnecting Communities During COVID-19Redesigning College Admission: COVID-19, Access And Equity
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Birthing Internal Images: Employing the Cajita Project as a Contemplative Activity in a College Classroom
by Vijay Kanagala, Laura I. Rendón
This chapter addresses the growing interest in employing contemplative teaching and learning practices in college classrooms. The authors introduce the cajita project, a contemplative activity, which they have employed in their classrooms to help students become refl ective, socially conscious scholar–practitioners in student affairs.
Ascending Toward New Heights: Building Navigational Capital for Latinx Community College Students
by Erin Doran, Paul Hengesteg
The Ascender program was created in 2012 by Catch the Next Inc., to address the challenges of increasing community college retention and transfer rates, especially among Latinx students in developmental education. This study looks at the experiences of participants in this program and how it provided validating experiences and fostered their navigational capital on campus and through the transfer process. Results show that a rich first-year experience and additional engagement with the Ascender program helps students learn how to better navigate the complex systems of financial aid and transfer processes while also building their confidence as successful college students.
Doran, Erin E. and Hengesteg, Paul, "Ascending Toward New Heights: Building Navigational Capital for Latinx Community College Students" (2020). Education Publications. 176.
Ascending Toward New Heights
Teaching Latinx Students With Cariño: Using Validation Theory and Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy in Catch the Next’s Ascender Program
by Rafael Castillo
CTN has grown successfully as a state-wide initiative building a strong, data-driven program that allows students to grow intellectually, to read competently, and to expand their self-worth. The Ascender model enriches students to become civic participants and assume roles for the benefit of all people, regardless of color. Teaching through validation theory increases their self-worth and allows students to influence others and assert their identity skills in classroom environments. It is worth noting that CTN continues to forge ahead in a state with shifting budgets, earning accolades and supporting excellence as one of its foundational colleges, Palo Alto College, earned the Rising Star Award from the Aspen Foundation. Catch the Next’s Ascender Programs continue to gain philanthropic support from the Greater Texas Foundation, the Meadows Foundation, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
NEW DIRECTIONS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES, no. 190, Summer 2020 © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC Published online in Wiley Online Library ( • DOI: 10.1002/cc.20386
Teaching Latinx Students With Cariño
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Validating Students in an Online Teaching Environment
Below is a collection of literature to help us understand the importance of validating all students' experiences especially those of first generation college students. COVID has disparately impacted these students and has uncovered the reality that they're facing.
Validating Culturally Diverse Students: Toward a New Model of Learning and Student DevelopmentASPIRATIONS TO ACHIEVEMENT Men of Color and Community CollegesCreando una cultura universitaria: How an Ed Tech non-profit engages families of elementary aged future first-generation Latin@ college students